

First Weekend in Bellevue WA

It is already 4th day of my stay in Bellevue WA, and today was the only day it hasn't rained since I landed in Washington State. I woke up early today, because a couple of folks from Chicago called me in the morning. Given 2 hour time difference, it wasn't early for Chicagoans. I took [...]

By | 2019-02-16T14:54:09-05:00 June 3rd, 2006|Trips|0 Comments

First Day in Bellevue WA

The day of arrival (May 30th 2006) was an interesting day. I was supposed to take a 6pm flight to Seattle Washington, but the flight was delayed for an hour than another hour and finally a half hour more making a total of 2 1/2 hour delay. The delay was mainly due to the rain [...]

By | 2019-02-16T14:54:15-05:00 June 3rd, 2006|Trips|0 Comments

Wisconsin Dells (Labor Day weekend 2005)

To celebrate dad’s 69th birthday, we organized a family vacation at Wisconsin Dells. A total of 13 persons have made it to the gathering, and we spent 2 nights in Skyline Hotel. Jaesang and Kris couldn’t make it to Dells as they have planned to see a teaching pro in Seattle Washington for Kris’s future [...]

By | 2019-02-16T14:54:21-05:00 September 9th, 2005|Trips|1 Comment

Eastport ME Part 4: The Last Day

Following a successful day on the ocean, many of us were opted to fish on a boat again. Fishing on the oceanfront wasn’t much fun anymore, as we can catch bigger fish on the ocean. Everyone agreed. I’ve attempted to arrange a boat at around 11:00AM, but a lady at the rental place couldn’t make [...]

By | 2019-02-16T14:54:27-05:00 September 6th, 2005|Trips|0 Comments

what the boys did on the trip

In the car the boys played video games, card games, and slept. we played ps2, and gamecube. on the ps2 we played starwars battlefront. we took turns because the other controller was in the bottom of the trunk. with the gamecube we played mvp baseball 2005. we played one on one. we played a game [...]

By | 2019-02-16T14:54:38-05:00 August 31st, 2005|Trips|0 Comments

Eastport ME Part 3: The Second Day

Korean -- Encoded in UTF8 두번째 새로운 아침이 밝아 왔다. 아침에 눈을 뜨고 창문을 내다보니 일출을 볼수 있었다. 8시가 지난시간이라 떠오른 햇살에 만족을 해야 했지만 바다위에 떠오른 햇살은 아름답고 따사하게만 느껴졌다. 어제의 치혹을 떨치기 위해 백첨사 아들 재우는 아침이른 시간에 아비와 박장군을 따라 낙시터로 향했다. 우리는아침 9시경에 아군의 실적을 보기위해 낙시터로 떠났다. 우리가 도착을 했을때는 [...]

By | 2019-02-16T14:54:44-05:00 August 31st, 2005|Trips|0 Comments

Eastport Maine Part 2. The First Day

[Korean Version -- Encoded in UTF8] 행중일기 2 미국 동북쪽 끝 무스섬에 위치한 Eastport 는 1763년도에 설립되었으며 체 2,000명이 안되는 주민이 살고 있는 항구 도시다. 미국에서 해가 제일 먼저뜨는 도시로 이곳도 한때는 미국 최고의 항구였으며 미국으로서는 유일히 타국의 지배를 받았던 도시다. 항구로서의 가치를 인정받은 Eastport 는 영국의 침략을 받아 1814 년 부터 1818 년까지 영국의 [...]

By | 2019-02-16T14:54:50-05:00 August 29th, 2005|Trips|1 Comment

Eastport ME Part 1. Our Departure

We initially planned this trip with Youngduk's family, but Brian's family decided to join us at a later stage and added much pleasure to the trip. One way mileage to Eastport Maine is about 1450 miles, and plain driving time turned out to be 24 hours. To ease our morning rush, we slept at Youngduk's [...]

By | 2019-02-16T14:54:56-05:00 August 26th, 2005|Trips|1 Comment